Video Actor: Yuqi (우기) Deepfake Sex Porn
Yuqi Deepfake Sex Porn is a Chinese singer, born on September 23, 1999, and is currently 24 years old. Born in Beijing, his physical characteristics include a height of 163 cm and a weight of 47 kg. His blood type is O, and his foot size is 225 to 230 mm. At the beginning of Yuqi’s deepfake debut, she played the role of a fan-favorite fairy with her cute puppy-like appearance, and the hippie perm suits her especially well. Along with its unique cute image, it is associated with the appearance of a poodle, and the curly perm is especially impressive. Her brown poodle, ‘Mata’, is famous among fans, and is also called grapefruit poodle depending on its hair color. Song Woo-gi resembles Hyeri, Choi Yena, and Rossi, and is especially close with Choi Yena. In the runway animal makeup section, fun activities such as finding Yuqi’s face with YouTuber Lee Sa-bae were also carried out. At the beginning of her debut, she had a cute appearance, but now she shows an image that combines pretty appearance and cuteness. In addition, she was evaluated as a good match for her style of working in China, and unlike her cute face, she is very thin and has good proportions. You can see the Yuqi deepfake below: